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2024 Consumer Behavior Thought Experiment: Communicating with Today’s Consumer – Part IV

The landscape of senior living is evolving, reflecting broader societal shifts, technological advancements, and changing perceptions about aging and care. Today’s consumers are looking for more than just a safe and comfortable place to live; they seek communities that offer a rich, engaging, and personalized living experience. In this final installment, let’s explore the key emergent trends that are currently shaping consumer expectations and preferences in the selection of senior living communities.

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ADage News, Consumer Behavior and Communication Adrienne Mansfield ADage News, Consumer Behavior and Communication Adrienne Mansfield

2024 Consumer Behavior Thought Experiment: Communicating with Today’s Consumer – Part III

In the digital age, senior living communities must navigate the complexities of omnichannel engagement to meet the expectations of modern consumers. This is the third installment of our multifaceted exploration of the senior living buying journey. An effective human-first approach integrates various communication channels – social media, email, phone, and in-person interactions – into a cohesive experience that supports the consumer’s journey from initial inquiry through to residency and beyond.

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ADage News, Consumer Behavior and Communication Adrienne Mansfield ADage News, Consumer Behavior and Communication Adrienne Mansfield

2024 Consumer Behavior Thought Experiment: Navigating the Future of Senior Living Experiences – Part II

Transitioning to senior living is a period filled with uncertainty and concern for families and their loved ones. Addressing these concerns head-on is crucial for senior living communities to build trust and ensure a smooth transition. We explore common fears, appropriate community responses, and the impact of insufficient responses, underscoring the necessity for high standards of care, transparency, and active engagement.

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The Cornerstone of Communication in Senior Living Marketing

In the world of senior living, effective communication is not just a tool – it’s a cornerstone of successful marketing. At ADage Marketing Group, we recognize the power of communication in connecting with families and residents. This blog explores how our strategic approach to clear, targeted, and multi-channel communication fosters lasting relationships and trust within the senior living community.

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